Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Spring Cleaning: Getting Rid of Worn-Out Beliefs

March 20th is the first day of Spring. It's once again time for a little Spring cleaning. This year, instead of just cleaning out your closets, why not clear out the clutter in your emotional life?

Think about all of the ideas and beliefs you hold onto that simply don't fit anymore. Some of those beliefs may have been instilled in you during childhood, carried down by your family through generations. Others may have been impressed upon you during a past relationship. Still others may be your own misconceptions about yourself, created out of fear or insecurity.

Often, long-held beliefs create an imprint on your subconscious that is so deep you continue to allow them to limit you long after they are no longer applicable to your current life -- if they ever were in the first place. These ideas and beliefs do not reflect who you are now. Hanging onto these beliefs limits your growth and impedes your success.

Make a list of your limiting beliefs. Under those, write new statements that reflect your true, current beliefs.

  • I'm not smart enough
  • I am capable of doing anything that I desire
  • No one in my family makes a lot of money
  • I give myself permission to be successful
  • I'll always be overweight
  • I release my excess weight and honor my body

Repeat your new beliefs daily as an affirmation and any time that you become aware of negative self-talk. It takes some time and dedication to replace old beliefs and allow the new positive beliefs to take hold in your life.

So this Spring, get rid of worn-out things and worn-out beliefs. Most importantly, BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!

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