Saturday, March 7, 2009

Staying Positive in Difficult Times

Turn on the television, open a newspaper or your web browser and there it is - bad news. War, recession, financial crisis and stories of personal hardship. It's hard to find a news story with a happy ending. Let's face it, pessimism "sells." With all of this negativity in the world, how can you stay positive?

Since we are faced with a constant barrage of stories and images that are sad and discouraging, it's easy to become caught up in all of the negativity that's going on in the world. When this happens, you lose sight of the positive things in your own life and succumb to a state of hopelessness.

Why is it so important to stay positive? Positive thoughts and energy are essential for success in all areas of your life. Negative thoughts doom you to repeat the same self-defeating behavior over and over. Your emotions are like fuel for your thoughts and actions. Negative emotions are like putting vinegar in your gas tank - they're not taking you anywhere. But positive emotions - emotions of gratitude, love, hope, joy - can propel you forward at lightening speed.

People who maintain a positive outlook are more pleasant to be around and more compassionate toward others. This is especially important in these difficult times. If you're not sitting around feeling sorry for yourself, you are more open to reaching out to help others around you.
There are several things that you can do to keep a positive energy in your life, despite what's going on the world around you.

  • Do not allow yourself to be inundated with so-called news. Yes, it is important to be informed about what is going on in the world - but stick to sources that give you just the facts. Avoid sensationalized reporting that exploits your emotions.
  • Remember that the more energy and attention that is given to something, the more it expands - even when it is something that no one wants. The easiest way to minimize something is to stop giving it energy and attention. Think about a tabloid celebrity. We all complain about the fact that we keep hearing about this person in the news, yet our act of reading about this person is the very thing that is perpetuating their fame (or infamy, if you prefer). The more you feed something, the bigger it grows.
  • Practice gratitude every day. Every person, no matter how dire their circumstances, has something to be grateful for. Even if it's simply the fact that they're still breathing. Take some time, every day, to be grateful for the good things in your life.
  • Smile. Yes, it's that simple and it's contagious.
  • Don't forget that no one can "make" you feel bad - your emotions are entirely within your control. You must consent to giving someone else that power over you. If this is a challenge because you are easily affected by other people's opinions or moods, start every morning with this affirmation, "I don't let other people ruin my day."

Remember, you don't have to let anyone else's viewpoint become your reality. Nothing in this world is permanent and every day is another opportunity for the next great thing to happen to you.

© Copyright - Cathy L. McCann. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Permission to publish on-line or in print is granted provided that the article and by-line are printed intact and reference is given to the author's website.

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